Independent Support Coordination
What is “Independent Support Coordination”?
Independent Support Coordination is a service available to persons with developmental disabilities enrolled in Tennessee's Medicaid Waivers (the "Statewide", "CAC" Waivers, and the Katie Beckett Part B program), and children in DCS foster care through the "Tennessee Strong Families" (TNSF-Tier 2) program. ISC services are provided at no cost to persons eligible for and enrolled in these benefit programs. After being enrolled by the state into one of the applicable benefit programs, the person and their family are provided an ISC agency that assigns an Independent Support Coordinator (ISC) to work for the person and family
The Independent Support Coordinator (ISC) helps the person, the person's family and the person's legal representative identify, plan, coordinate and manage the specific services that the person will need to live a healthy, safe and personally fulfilling life at home and in the community. The ISC also assists the person in choosing a service provider for each service that the person needs.
​Compass provides "Independent Support Coordinators" (ISCs) who are professionals in the field of developmental disabilities. Our ISCs are trained and possess specialized knowledge in the services available to people enrolled in the various state benefit programs. ISCs do not work for the state agencies or Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) that administer and fund the benefit programs in which people may be enrolled. ISCs are independent from the providers of the specific supports and services that a person may receive, such as residential services, personal assistance, employment, and other supportive services. This independence allows the ISC to more easily advocate for and represent the interests of the person and their family.​
Your Compass Support Coordinator Will:
Act as your personal representative.
Give you information about the services available to you.
Help you decide which services and supports will work best for you.
Write a personalized plan (a Person-Centered Support Plan) for your services and supports.
Apply for funding on your behalf and obtain approval of the services that you need.
Help you select and talk to the organizations and people who can provide your services.
Visit you often to make sure that your supports & services are working for you.
Help you resolve problems, or make needed changes when things are not working for you.
What is a "Medicaid Waiver"?
Medicaid is a Federal program under which states may provide not only medical assistance (health insurance) for persons who qualify, but it also may be used to provide long-term care and supports for persons who qualify. For persons with intellectual disabilities who qualify for, and need long-term support and services, Medicaid will cover long-term stays in intermediate care facilities. Or, a state can opt for a waiver of federal requirements under which the state may use Medicaid funds for long-term, supportive services provided to persons in their own homes or in community-based settings.
Services under a Medicaid Waiver may take the form of personal assistance in the home, or nursing or therapy services, if needed. Services can include supports for employment or preparing for a job. Residential options also may be available, such as supported living, or other residential options that provide around-the-clock support and care. An ISC can help you assess what you'll need and how to find providers for these Medicaid Waiver services.