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We provide a type of case management known as "Support Coordination". Support Coordination is a set of inter-related activities aimed at helping persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families to learn, navigate, and manage the long-term supports and services available to them as eligible participants in their state's Medicaid Waivers (the CAC, Statewide, and Katie Beckett Part B programs) and other, related long-term supports and services. Medicaid Waivers are designed by states under approval by the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to allow persons with disabilities to receive the supports and services they need in their homes and communities rather than in long-term care facilities.


Support Coordination is performed by trained professionals who are knowledgeable about the supports and services available in Medicaid Waivers, as well as services available through other resources in the person's state and home community.


Medicaid Waiver services range from in-home, personal care services, 24-hour residential services, day and employment services, therapeutic, clinical and nursing services, as well as other ancillary services aimed at supporting persons in their homes and communities.


Compass currently provides a range of Support Coordination services in the states of Tennessee (in the West and Middle TN regions), and in Georgia (DBHDD Regions 1, 2, 3, and 6). For more information about the services available to eligible persons in Tennessee and Georgia, click the link for your state found on this page.

© 2024 by Compass Coordination, Inc. | 3343 Perimeter Hill Drive, Suite 210 | Nashville Tennessee | 37211 | Tel. 615.242.9500 

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