Compass Coordination, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c), public benefit corporation originally chartered in the state of Tennessee, and registered as a non-profit corporation in the state of Georgia. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed on a day-to-day basis by a well-experienced senior management team.
Compass was founded in 1996 as the very first Independent Support Coordination (ISC) organization in the state of Tennessee. Our founding coincided with Tennessee's initiatives to assist hundreds of persons living in large, state-run developmental centers to move to homes and lives in their local communities of origin. This period of transition prompted new and expanded options for home- and community-based supports and services for persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Compass played major roles in planning, coordinating and ensuring successful transitions for many persons and their families.
Today, Compass supports these and hundreds of others in managing the supports and services they need and receive from a network of private, community-based service providers. Since our inception, we've served over 1,400 persons and their families in planning the kinds of lives they want with the supports available to them in the Medicaid Waivers in Tennessee.
In November 2016, Compass began providing Intensive Support Coordination and Support Coordination services in Georgia. These services are available to persons enrolled in Georgia's COMP and NOW Medicaid Waivers. Support Coordination is a case management service provided to everyone in both of these Waivers. Intensive Support Coordination is a specialized case management service for persons who qualify based on their exceptional medical and/or behavioral health support needs.
Compass Coordination, Inc. provides services to eligible persons, selects it Board, and hires its employees without regard to race, ethnic origin or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or disability. Our services are provided in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
In Tennessee, Compass Coordination, Inc. holds a Provider Agreement with the Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Bureau of TennCare (the designated state Medicaid agency in Tennessee).
In Georgia, Compass Coordination, Inc. holds a provider agreement with the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, and is approved as a Medicaid provider by the Georgia Department of Community Health (the designated state Medicaid agency in Georgia).
The contractual agreements with each state govern the respective terms and conditions for the provision of our services, which are provided to eligible persons enrolled in an applicable state program without any cost or fee to the person receiving services.