Our Services in Georgia
What services can we provide for you and your family in Georgia?
Compass is a qualified provider of Support Coordination and Intensive Support Coordination services available to each person enrolled in Georgia’s NOW and COMP Waivers administered by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD); and
We help you chart and navigate your Waiver services and the other supports you need.
First, and foremost, you and your family are always at the center of everything we do on your behalf.
We help you identify what is important to you and the kind of life you want to live.
We help you develop an individualized plan tailored to you and the supports and services you’ll need.
We help you identify and find the providers and other people who can support you in the life you choose and the work that you want to do.
We help you find the doctors, clinicians and other healthcare specialists who can help you be healthy and safe.
And, we follow along beside you making sure things are working for you, making sure you’re satisfied, healthy, and safe, and making changes to your supports & services when needed.
Want to know more about these Waiver programs and which of them might fit you and your family's needs?
For more information and eligibility requirements for the NOW (New Options Waiver) and COMP (Comprehensive) Waiver, click on the link below for DBHDD:
For more information and eligibility requirements for Medicaid and other Medicaid Waiver programs, click on the link below: